What keeps you Rooted?

The idea of Rooted was one that came to us as we sat and chatted with a friend about how to hold on to yourself and doing things that keep you alive and Rooted. I began to think about what keeps me Rooted and the answer was Dayverse, travels and lots of laughter. I knew this vision wouldn’t be complete without Arubian Models and production and how they defined being Rooted. This is where ‘Universally Rooted’ stemmed, because although miles away we are all connected and trying to remain rooted in the midst of chaos. Rooted brings you Arubian Jewelry with thought and purpose, with lots of culture and women who aren’t afraid to wear their voice.

We want to know what keeps your rooted. Be sure to let us know by using the hashtag #UniversallyRooted

Dayanna Mazo